Archives: FAQs

011 – Wi-Fi chip missing.

Try rebooting the beIN STREAM box.
If the problem persists, it is likely to be a hardware failure, please contact support.

012 – Problem initializing the Wi-Fi service.

Reboot the beIN STREAM box.

020 – Failed to find Wi-Fi network.

If the problem occurs intermittently, move the beIN STREAM box closer to the router.
If the problem persists, try rebooting the beIN STREAM box.
Ensure that the router is broadcasting its SSID (hidden SSIDs are not supported by the beIN STREAM box).

021 – Failed to find Wi-Fi network

If the problem occurs intermittently, move the beIN STREAM box closer to the router.
If the problem persists, try rebooting the beIN STREAM box.
If you have installed a new router or have changed the Wi-Fi network name, re-run the setup process using the mobile app.
Ensure the router is broadcasting its SSID (hidden SSIDs are not supported by the beIN STREAM box).

030 – Problem connecting to the Wi- Fi network

Try rebooting the beIN STREAM box. If the problem persists, re-run the setup process using the mobile app.

032 – The Cloud Connector does not have a password for the Wi-Fi network

Re-run the setup process using the mobile app.

033 – Incorrect Wi-Fi password

Re-run the setup process using the mobile app and check that the Wi-Fi password is entered correctly.

035 – Wi-Fi connection in progress

Wait for the connection to be established.
If the problem persists, try rebooting the beIN STREAM box.

040 – Problem connecting to the internet

Ensure that the Internet connection is working.
Ensure that the router firewall configuration is not blocking the beIN STREAM box.
Wi-Fi networks with login web pages (known as “captive portals”) are not supported by the beIN STREAM box (for example: hotel Wi-Fi).

041 – Unable to connect to configured Wi-Fi

Ensure Wi-Fi access point provides DHCP.